Bugle, are you trying to be cute with your headline, "Will Smuggling Move North Also." It's not supported by the comment. You have something to say, but you're playing "I've got a secret?" You say Bugle's purpose is to pass on information, so readers can decide... So, where's your information or is this just chicken shit? on Will Smuggling Move North Also?
Bugle sez: Are you so clueless that you don't know of the Freeport Zones being used as smuggling points? I am sure that you can do a quick news search and find numerous articles on the rampant smuggling in the Philippines.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Strange Sexual Quirks of Filipino Seafarers
When Norwegian anthropologist Gunnar Lamvik first began living in Iloilo city, a seafaring haven in the southern Philippines, he sensed he wasn't getting the richest and most detailed information about the shipping experience from interviews with his neighbors, who were home on two-month vacations from 10 months at sea. To crack the cultural mystery of any total institution, you have to go inside, he reasoned. "If you [want] a feeling of a seafarer's life, you have to be at sea with them when they are open," said Lamvik, who now studies how cultural differences affect occupational safety at a Norway-based think-tank called SINTEF. "It's important to be on board for some time, and build trust. That's the crucial thing to do."
For the next three years, he was on and off ships, floating with his subjects from port to port and trying to make that connection.
At a raucous karaoke crew member party somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean, it began to happen. He belted out the lyrics to "House of the Rising Sun." Then, he insisted on singing it again. "That was a real ice breaker," he said.
It was in this type of loose, booze-flowing setting that he learned the most about the lives of his shipmates. And soon, conversations turned to perhaps the most fascinating part of the Filipino seafaring identity, the little-known and barely studied sexual practice of "bolitas," or little balls.
Many Filipino sailors make small incisions in their penises and slide tiny plastic or stone balls -- the size of M&M's -- underneath the skin in order to enhance sexual pleasure for prostitutes and other women they encounter in port cities, especially in Rio de Janeiro. "This 'secret weapon of the Filipinos,' as a second mate phrased it, has therefore obviously something to do," Lamvik wrote in his thesis, "'with the fact that 'the Filipinos are so small, and the Brazilian women are so big' as another second mate put it."
According to University of California, Santa Cruz labor sociologist Steve McKay, who traveled extensively on container ships with Filipino crews in 2005 for his research on the masculine identity in the shipping market, raw materials for the bolitas can range from tiles to plastic chopsticks or toothbrushes. A designated crew member boils them in hot water to sterilize them, and then performs the procedure. There are also different preferred locations for insertion. Some have one on top or bottom, and others have both. One shipmate told McKay that others have four, one on top and bottom and on both sides, "like the sign of the cross." Another said: "I have a friend at home, you know what his nickname is?" McKay recalled. "Seven."
The practice is unique to Southeast Asia and dates back to the 16th century, though no one is sure if it has been continuous. Italian scholar Antonio Pigafetta accompanied Ferdinand Magellan and his crew on their explorations and journaled about a similar behavior in what is currently southern Philippines and Borneo. Apparently, it was also practiced in Thailand and Indonesia, but vanished from the historical record in the mid-17th century, apparently when men bowed to the pressures of Islam and Christianity.
Mckay was shocked to learn that it still existed in what, based on his extensive conversations with Filipino seafarers, seemed like great numbers. In the extremely limited body of academic literature on this topic, there aren't many numbers. One 1999 study found that out of 314 randomly selected Filipino seamen in the port of Manila, 180, or 57 percent, said they had them.
According to McKay's interviews, danger of infection and resulting pain seemed to be worth their reception by droves of Brazilian prostitutes. According to one of his papers, one shipmate told him: "'Filipino seaman are famous for them...that's why they [women in port] like us, why they keep asking for us,'" he said. "'When they hear that Filipinos are coming, they're happy.'"
The Philippines provides more seafarers to the global labor market than any other country in the world, accounting for approximately a fifth of 1.2 million maritime workers. The number of Filipinos currently living on vessels is roughly 240,000. It's as if every person in the entire city of Orlando woke up, drove to Miami, and signed contracts to ship out on cruiseliners.
The industry has not always employed Filipino crew members in these numbers. In the 1960s, only 2,000 Filipinos worked in international waters. But after the oil crisis of the 1970s placed financial pressure on the industry and a shift in maritime regulations allowed ships to hire workers from countries with lower wages, companies set out to reduce labor costs. According to Lamvik, the Filipinos emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s as the most qualified option for the mostly European-owned businesses. "They are fluent in English, they are Christians, and they accepted cheaper pay," said Lamvik, whose grandfather and great-grandfather both worked on Norwegian ships. The Filipinos also had a built-in nautical legacy, according to McKay. From the 16th through the 19th century, Filipinos were ordered into servitude on Spanish galleons, and in the 1800s, they helped man American whaling ships.
Still, many Filipinos are hyper-aware of their own potential displacement. Other low-wage countries, including India, South Korea, and Indonesia, apply for the same jobs. For that reason, McKay argues, the Filipinos have set out to differentiate themselves from crew members of other nationalities.
The special brand the Filipinos have fashioned for themselves revolves around an adventurous spirit, creative troubleshooting with machines, and an eloquent way of communicating the stories they tell about their skills. Onboard and in ports across the world, they weave tales to mark their territory. In one of McKay's papers, he writes about a Filipino captain who gave him a pitch about the handiness of his nationality's sailors, especially when things go awry. "The Filipino, he can fix anything ... Other nationalities, if they see there are no spare parts, they will say, 'okay, that's it, we'll wait 'til we're in port,'" the man told McKay. "But Filipinos somehow will get it working again. They'll make a new part or fix one." A third mate provided a sense of the way adventure fits into the Filipino's occupational identity:
This is a man's job ['barako talaga'].... You are away from your family, you are in the middle of the sea and you see nothing but the sea and the sky for one month. ... If you want adventure, seafaring is your type of job. But given the heavy work, loneliness and the waves, seafaring is really a difficult job....Most land-based jobs are safe, [but] when a seaman boards a ship, one foot is already in the grave.
But their awareness of ready replacements has also made Filipino crew members insecure and hesitant. Industry insiders and other international crew members have interpreted this caution as effeminate, and a signal that they are good disciplined "followers," according to McKay, but not necessarily natural leaders. That notion, he believes, has stunted their upward mobility. In the mid-1970s, 90 percent of Filipinos working on ships served as lower-level crew members, and 10 percent had junior-level officer jobs. Thirty years later in 2005, those numbers had only shifted slightly: 73 percent were still serving in lower-level roles, 19 percent had clinched junior officer titles, and only 8 percent were at the senior level. Filipino captains are still uncommon.
Viewed in this context, bolitas is more than just a physical oddity adopted for the benefit of port women. It's an important element of the Filipinos' larger battle to assert their masculinity and compensate in a rivalry that they can't always win aboard the ship. "It's part of that competition that starts in the labor market that then bleeds over into culture," McKay said. "They are dealing with how others see them."
Apparently, the port competition is one that they feel they can definitely win, and not just because of bolitas. Filipino sailors take a sort of Pretty Woman tack in their relationships with prostitutes, treating them with much more regard than objects in a sexual marketplace. As one Filipino officer told McKay: "'The women prefer Filipinos because we treat them nice, not like other nationalities,'" he said. "'They think because they pay, they can treat them badly. Like the Koreans...But the Filipinos -- we treat them like girlfriends. We pay too, but we're nice, we smile, we even court them. That's what makes the Filipino special, we're romantic.'"
The shipping life -- one of constant movement and bleak surroundings -- is, at its core, a job of danger, boredom, and whim. Bolitas and the experiences Filipino seafarers have with them can be a welcome diversion. But it also represents a sort of social gamesmanship, a way to add some confidence to an otherwise unpredictable life. Amid the uncertainties of the maritime labor market, augmenting one's masculinity -- literally -- is at least one sure-fire way to stand out.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
A Reader's View
An anonymous reader commented on More Positive Thinking
Sure... I suppose that's an ok comment if you're sitting in a bar watching life go by outside and you don't have family to take care of. But if you do have a family, and a home and things that you still value in life, then you want to take an "active part" in protecting your family and home and not just let things continue to happen as they are now. Things can and do change for the good through the efforts of well-meaning people, no matter how difficult it may seem at times. Our children still need to go to school everyday and our wives must do the shopping for the family. Even if some of us feel as though we are retired... we are NOT retired from life. These are two very different viewpoints, that depend on the lifestyle and goals of the reader.
Sure... I suppose that's an ok comment if you're sitting in a bar watching life go by outside and you don't have family to take care of. But if you do have a family, and a home and things that you still value in life, then you want to take an "active part" in protecting your family and home and not just let things continue to happen as they are now. Things can and do change for the good through the efforts of well-meaning people, no matter how difficult it may seem at times. Our children still need to go to school everyday and our wives must do the shopping for the family. Even if some of us feel as though we are retired... we are NOT retired from life. These are two very different viewpoints, that depend on the lifestyle and goals of the reader.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 22, 2013
10 Things the Bugle Hates About Christmas in the PI
With this being the so called Christmas season the Bugle has a few issues with how the locals like to celebrate the holidays. If any of our readers have more suggestions the Bugle would love to hear about them.
1. Beggars masquerading as Christmas carolers.
2. Where's my Christmas?
3. Anyone with a beard is called Santa Claus.
4. Christmas music starting in September.
5. The number of visitors to one's house on Christmas day expecting gifts.
6. Caroler's whose only musical instrument is a tambourine.
7. The lack of snow.
8. The cost of turkeys and hams
9. Dancing girls wearing red elves hats
10. Beggars
Thursday, December 19, 2013
More Positive Thinking is What We Need
Hey Bugle.. your tag line above "It is what it is", says it all. We all choose to live here for one reason or another. Even the ones that bitch and moan continue to live here for one reason or another. The PI will always be the PI. No point trying to change anything and equally no point bitching about it all the time. Go with the flow and enjoy the good things, understanding that we are in a 3rd world banana republic and it's precisely for that reason many of us choose to live here. Not to change it and make it like home, but to embrace it with all it's warts because it's fun and exciting to be an expat. Floods? Admit that it's going to happen again, and prepare. Don't get wiped out and then sit back and complain. Why worry about the crooks and politicians (oops.. redundant)? Worry about yourself and your loved ones and your buddies.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Ocean Adventure
Monday, December 16, 2013
Tourist Attraction???
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Readers Thoughts on Olongapo River Dredging
Bugle headlines "Dredging Starts in Olongapo" when the propaganda articles Bugle submits state they have acquired a backhoe and 2 used dump trucks. Good job Bugle. Maybe if you stop the bullshit, that will help stop some of the flow into the river. The real story is Olongapo has a 5.1 BILLION PESO DEFICIT and no one is being held accountable. Where did the BILLIONS go??? Nothing has changed or ever will. Read in the foreign press that Yolanda relief supplies are already on sale in Makati. It's a month since the disaster and already the scams are evident.
Bugle headlines "Dredging Starts in Olongapo" when the propaganda articles Bugle submits state they have acquired a backhoe and 2 used dump trucks. Good job Bugle. Maybe if you stop the bullshit, that will help stop some of the flow into the river. The real story is Olongapo has a 5.1 BILLION PESO DEFICIT and no one is being held accountable. Where did the BILLIONS go??? Nothing has changed or ever will. Read in the foreign press that Yolanda relief supplies are already on sale in Makati. It's a month since the disaster and already the scams are evident.
Bugle Responds: How is it that we are getting blamed now for propaganda? There are many thoughts that could be taken from the article, your thoughts are just one of them. One could at least think that something and somebody is starting to do something or you can just start trumpeting about corruption. We just report information you can jump to any conclusions that you want to.
Bugle headlines "Dredging Starts in Olongapo" when the propaganda articles Bugle submits state they have acquired a backhoe and 2 used dump trucks. Good job Bugle. Maybe if you stop the bullshit, that will help stop some of the flow into the river. The real story is Olongapo has a 5.1 BILLION PESO DEFICIT and no one is being held accountable. Where did the BILLIONS go??? Nothing has changed or ever will. Read in the foreign press that Yolanda relief supplies are already on sale in Makati. It's a month since the disaster and already the scams are evident.
Bugle Responds: How is it that we are getting blamed now for propaganda? There are many thoughts that could be taken from the article, your thoughts are just one of them. One could at least think that something and somebody is starting to do something or you can just start trumpeting about corruption. We just report information you can jump to any conclusions that you want to.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Will Smuggling Move North Also?
SBMA sets free-port expansion to nearby San Antonio town
SBMA Chairman Roberto Garcia said the Subic agency will jointly develop the area with the local government, after the latter declared more than 10,000 hectares of land and water area in the town’s southern tip as the San Antonio Economic Development Area.
Officials of San Antonio led by Mayor Estela Antipolo and Vice Mayor Lugil Ragadio met with Garcia here on Monday and presented a copy of Sangguniang Bayan Resolution 13-080, which enabled the conversion of the zone into an additional secured area of the Subic Bay Freeport Zone.
Under Executive Order 675, local government units (LGUs) can allow the SBMA to extend the free port beyond its current fenced-in “secured area” and into their territory by having their local councils pass an enabling resolution. The area of expansion also gets tax-and duty-free privileges granted by law.
In particular, the San Antonio resolution declared the coastal sitios of Silangin, Nagsasa and Talisayin in the Redondo Peninsula as part of the town’s economic development area.
The newly declared economic zone comprises more than half of the municipality’s total land area of 18,812 hectares and forms the western flank of the Redondo Peninsula.
The eastern flank of Redondo, which juts out into the mouth of Subic Bay, is under the jurisdiction of Subic, Zambales, and contains the South Korean shipyard of Hanjin, the world’s fourth-biggest shipbuilding facility.
It is also the location of a coal-fired thermal power plant being proposed by a consortium led by Manila Electric Co.
In Monday’s meeting, Garcia said he was pleasantly surprised by the swift action of the San Antonio municipal council in passing the resolution.
The resolution was passed on November 19. Garcia first announced SBMA’s expansion program when he made the rounds of neighboring LGUs in July.
Garcia said San Antonio’s decision to join the SBMA is very timely, since only less than 300 hectares of land is now available for development within Subic’s fenced-in area. “Many foreign investors are inquiring, and we are having a hard time responding to them due to the lack of available land,” Garcia told Antipolo and other town officials.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Dredging Starts in Olongapo
This from the Sun Star
Sunday, December 8, 2013
OLONGAPO CITY -- The City Government here has found a way to dredge its river channel, after the massive flooding in August and September and the recent outbreak of leptospirosis due to the flood.
The dredging operation started after SM Prime Holding donated a backhoe worth P2.4 million in an effort to help the debt-ridden city unclog its river channel.
Olongapo is currently dealing with the P5.1-billion debt left by the previous administration, including some other loans that have matured.
“The donation of SM is a big help to the city, we cannot afford to buy any equipment due to lack of funds,” said Mayor Rolen Paulino.

OLONGAPO. Mayor Rolen Paulino inspects the ongoing dredging operation at the East Bajac-bajac flood gate, which serves as main outlet of water coming from the inner part of the city. (Anthony Bayarong)
He said other businessmen are also helping his administration dredge the city's river slowly. “Two dump trucks have also been lent to us by a private auctioneer inside Subci Bay Freeport and another two, which are now being used in another site came from private indivuduals.”
The backhoe donated by SM arrived last December 2 and was used immediately in the dredging operation.
“I have tasked the engineering office to immediately start the dredging of the Kalaklan River, this may not permanently rid out the flood but it w ll lower it,” Paulino said.
He added that the City Planning and Development Office is now trying to determine the cause of the flooding and find a solution to the problem.
Last August and September, the city suffered its worst flooding in years after the previous administration failed to desilt the long stretch of Kalaklan River that serves as the main water channel going out to Subic Bay.
Another desilting effort is being conducted in the Banicain River. It started in August.
Zambales Representative Jeffrey Khonghun (1st district), meanwhile, said that he already asked the Department of Public Works and Highways to conduct a separate dredging program along the upstream of Sta. Rita River and at the mouth of Kalaklan River.
Khonghun’s hometown of Subic also suffered massive flooding during the rainy season.
He said a desilting program is also being implemented in the municipality of Subic. (Sunnex)
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Reader's Thoughts on Flood Control
You're pissing in the wind... Do you really expect anything to come of this post. We will be at the exact same place next year. That's just the way it is in the Philippines. And of course, they don't want foreigners looking over their corrupt shoulders and telling them what to do... just like we saw in Tacloban. One thing they ARE good at is soliciting foreigners to do the disaster relief for them and putting foreign dollars in their corrupt pockets. Anything else is generally never done. This is a two class society, criminals at the top and the vast poor majority at the bottom. The criminals will never change and upset their apple cart. And even more surprisingly, most of the poor don't seem interested in change either. Sad... but true. Yes, most foreign observers are tired of hearing the same conversation over and over... yawn. But we are also tired of the those foreigners that think that words will fix the problem. "Pretty please..." doesn't work here. on Flood Control
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Ooh That Smell, Can't You Smell That Smell
Not to take anything from Lynard Skynard but the Bugle was walking through the Subic Market the other day and couldn't help but force himself to breath through his mouth. The smell behind the Market is absolutely dreadful. It is worse than the CRs in the old Kinky's establishment in Calapandayan. While the Bugle didn't investigate the elephant grass on the side of the road he does believe that there is something dead in the area. Old Mr. Bugle can't believe that there are actually three schools in that area that have to breathe that awful smell in all day long. Subic City Hall is just across the street from this area and I think it would be impossible that some of the government workers haven't noticed this terrible terrible smell. This has got to be a health violation of some type.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Immigration Rules
Here is an excerpt from the new dress code policy for those of us who may have to go to Immigration
1. Whereas, there is a need to modify the Dress Code Policy considering the tropical weather and the usual tourist attire in the Philippines.
2. For men – Top: Sleeved shirts that cover the shoulders and waist in its entirety are required. Bottom: Men wearing shorts will be allowed access to the Bureau, provided, that it is at minimum knee length. Sports shorts and sweatpants are not allowed.
3. This Administrative Circular shall take effect immediately.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Readers Rants
The Philippine government is dysfunctional because of the corrupt in their government. The word corrupt has been used so much in the Philippines that it rings hollow today. Thieves and criminal are more appropriate descriptors. Bugle trumpets Philippine propaganda about how the Americans are envious of Subic and Clark. Both are corrupt and dysfunctional by any honest measure, just like the rest of the country! The people of Tacloban and the rest of the Visayas affected by the recent typhoon are relying on American aid and humanitarian relief. America, primarily through its military, provides significant assistance for every Philippine calamity. God Bless America! Without the American military, Filipinos would have no hope. It's a national disgrace for the corrupt in the Philippine government. But criminals feel no shame!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Where Art Thou Mr. Bugle
The following post came in anonymously from one of our readers:
What makes you think that all these bloggers live here? You sure are good at over-reaching assumptions. Doesn't Bugle know that there is a mass exodus of Filipinos and foreigners FROM the Philippines, not into it. Get real and stop the ridiculous propaganda. The population is only increasing due to an ignorant population that can't control themselves, I would bet Bugle that you are one of them. Nobody volunteers to live in the Philippines if they can get a visa and live in a developed country, unless they have screws loose like their jeepneys.
From the Bugle: Not sure which one of the types of people you referred to in your post that you would like the Bugle to be but rest assured we are neither ignorant and we can control ourselves.
What makes you think that all these bloggers live here? You sure are good at over-reaching assumptions. Doesn't Bugle know that there is a mass exodus of Filipinos and foreigners FROM the Philippines, not into it. Get real and stop the ridiculous propaganda. The population is only increasing due to an ignorant population that can't control themselves, I would bet Bugle that you are one of them. Nobody volunteers to live in the Philippines if they can get a visa and live in a developed country, unless they have screws loose like their jeepneys.
From the Bugle: Not sure which one of the types of people you referred to in your post that you would like the Bugle to be but rest assured we are neither ignorant and we can control ourselves.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Pool, Darts and Random Thoughts
A few comments from the readers on our local pool and dart leagues:
Pool and darts are important now? What happened to discussion of the Olongapo floods and landslides? That's all not important anymore until it happens again? Has shit river been dredged? Is there still garbage in the streets? What is the mayor doing to prevent future man made disasters? How short peoples attention spans are here. Are we to believe darts and pool are as important as Olongapo floods and landslides that actually killed people. C'mon Bugle you can do better. It's your blog!
One thing is obvious from this blog, darts and pool are far more important than education ever has been in this society. Many, if not most, children don't even reach the sixth grade in the Philippines, but never dare to slight a kanto boy's right to play pool and darts wherever and whenever he wants. Yet people still are unable to even acknowledge this country has so many problems or demonstrate sufficient resolve to make it better. Meanwhile, the best and brightest are fleeing in droves to other countries for a better life for their families.
Bigots and trash... By the way, "Eurotrash" is a new one. I bet you would run at Olympic record speed to the nearest Olongapo money changer, if just one of their coins would happen to fall into your open palm raised to the heavens. Now, we've gotten to the essence of the world famous Po... Ever noticed it smells like shit? The locals don't seem to notice and they never give a damn... until it all backs up to become the largest toilet in the world. Please don't flush! Oh, that's right, no worries. Flush isn't something that ever works there anyway. "For a while..." The government is somewhere, doing something that we don't know and will never find out. But, it's the US Navy's fault, right. Where's the US Navy... but only when and if we need them. Yup, any sane person should be able to follow that logic. But, we don't like it if anyone looks over our corrupt shoulder. "God of the Great Monsoons and Typhoons," please, just one monster tsunami to clean up the bigots and trash,
Pool and darts are important now? What happened to discussion of the Olongapo floods and landslides? That's all not important anymore until it happens again? Has shit river been dredged? Is there still garbage in the streets? What is the mayor doing to prevent future man made disasters? How short peoples attention spans are here. Are we to believe darts and pool are as important as Olongapo floods and landslides that actually killed people. C'mon Bugle you can do better. It's your blog!
One thing is obvious from this blog, darts and pool are far more important than education ever has been in this society. Many, if not most, children don't even reach the sixth grade in the Philippines, but never dare to slight a kanto boy's right to play pool and darts wherever and whenever he wants. Yet people still are unable to even acknowledge this country has so many problems or demonstrate sufficient resolve to make it better. Meanwhile, the best and brightest are fleeing in droves to other countries for a better life for their families.
Bigots and trash... By the way, "Eurotrash" is a new one. I bet you would run at Olympic record speed to the nearest Olongapo money changer, if just one of their coins would happen to fall into your open palm raised to the heavens. Now, we've gotten to the essence of the world famous Po... Ever noticed it smells like shit? The locals don't seem to notice and they never give a damn... until it all backs up to become the largest toilet in the world. Please don't flush! Oh, that's right, no worries. Flush isn't something that ever works there anyway. "For a while..." The government is somewhere, doing something that we don't know and will never find out. But, it's the US Navy's fault, right. Where's the US Navy... but only when and if we need them. Yup, any sane person should be able to follow that logic. But, we don't like it if anyone looks over our corrupt shoulder. "God of the Great Monsoons and Typhoons," please, just one monster tsunami to clean up the bigots and trash,
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Mango's Beach Bar
The Bugle has previously offered both service organizations and businesses space to promote their functions. Just provide us with the information about programs, openings or in this case re-openings. Mango's took us up on the offer. Beach bar hours are 2 PM to 10PM beginning Friday the 29th of November.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Baretto's Deli
The Bugle was feeling a bit hungry the other afternoon and decided to get out of his usual rut of beer joints and try a bite at the Baretto's Deli that opened not too long ago, For those of you who haven't been inside yet it is located right next door to the Route 69 club on the National Highway. The Bugle was impressed it was a newly decorated really clean establishment. The prices might seem a bit on the high side at first but when you take a close look into the quality of the food that is being served and the size of the portions it actually is a fair price. The burger menu was huge you have a choice between half pound and full pound burgers with all the trimmings and different styles to boot. The Bugle decided on an Italian style sandwich on Panini bread. While the Panini wasn't grilled/toasted the sandwich was quite good. No skimping with the lettuce here, there was at least a 1/2 inch of lettuce on the sandwich with some real nice tomato slices also. The meats were all fresh and plenty of them. Old Mr. Bugle was quite sated after leaving this fine establishment.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Famous Filipinos
It seems that at least one of our readers took umbrage on some recent comments to the educational system here in the PI.
Filipino, Eduardo San Juan is considered the primary designer of the Lunar Rover. It was first used during the 1971 Apollo 12 landing on the Moon. The Filipino Doctor that discovered the antibiotic Erythromycin was Dr. Abelardo Aguilar. Filipino, Roberto del Rosario is the president of the Treble Music Corporation and the inventor of the Karaoke Sing Along System in 1975. There are more, look them up yourself.
Just a quick not the for all of us, let's stay off the name calling. The Bugle edited out that portion of the post
Filipino, Eduardo San Juan is considered the primary designer of the Lunar Rover. It was first used during the 1971 Apollo 12 landing on the Moon. The Filipino Doctor that discovered the antibiotic Erythromycin was Dr. Abelardo Aguilar. Filipino, Roberto del Rosario is the president of the Treble Music Corporation and the inventor of the Karaoke Sing Along System in 1975. There are more, look them up yourself.
Just a quick not the for all of us, let's stay off the name calling. The Bugle edited out that portion of the post
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Flood Control
While the Bugle realizes that there is a lot of suffering taking place right now in the Philippines as a result of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) and doesn't want to belittle that fact. The Bugle does wish to note that this is a local blog and as such he is wondering if any of our readers have noted any flood control initiatives being taken up here in our local area or if maybe anyone has heard a rumor of anything in the planning stages. There was at one point a discussion of having an international company come in and dredge some of the local rivers but the Bugle hasn't noticed anything yet. Maybe some of our local readers that are involved in the local government can clue our readership in as to what is going on.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Freeport Rumors
According to rumors, the Subic Bay Freeport Exchange is going out of business. They are unable to renew their lease and they are obviously downsizing and trying to sell all their remaining stock. Many of their food products are leftover and stale. I would be very careful in buying any of their remaining items. They are already far more expensive than what you can buy in town. The Subic Bay Royal Exchange is cutting back also and many of their products are stale. They have significantly reduced the variety of the imported items. How can it be Duty Free when most of their items are local not imported? Disinformation seems to be the unspoken rule at the Subic Bay Freeport.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Readers Rant on "School Teachers Take Bribes"
What a joke Bugle, the absolute best university in the Philippines typically comes in at around 400 in world rankings. That university happens to be the public school, UP Diliman. Many of the private universities are essentially "kanto boy" clubs. Out of a country of almost 100 million people, how many world-renown scientists, doctors, engineers or astronauts can you name that are Philippine citizens. Space cadets and Abu Sayyaf brain surgeons don't count. Corruption robs the Filipino people of the education that they deserve. As has been said before, the enemy of the Filipino is the Filipino.
In any other country, corruption is a crime. In the Philippines, people rarely are tried and convicted. As a result, it's one of the most dishonest and corrupt countries in the world. Disgraceful, especially with so many Filipinos claiming to be Catholic or Iglesia or Muslim. The Catholic schools and clergy are corrupt too. I had this same problem with bribing teachers in the so-called best Catholic school in the province. And our priest is married with mistresses and has at least 3 children. He also has 2 brand new SUV's and private houses. Where does he get the money? Corruption is totally out of control here!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
So Who Ya Gonna Call?? DTI of Course
Our readers seem to have had a plethora of problems at McDonalds and some have passed on some very useful information. Kudos to our readers. On McDonalds McProblems
This is so true. Their drinks keep getting smaller and smaller. You order a large drink and the receipt shows 16oz but the cup is only 12oz. I was also surprised about their so called VIP Drive through Promo. I got one of their stickers and the next day they said the promo didn't apply to breakfast. This is another SBMA sponsored dishonest business. You can also complain at the DTI(Department of Trade and Industry) office here in Olongapo. Anytime you have a complaint with a business just go to the office, fill out a form and they will assign a DTI investigator. If the business is found to be violating the law, their license will be suspended or revoked. This office is excellent and fair! Leonila T Baluyut Provincial Director 2F Palm Crest Bldg 765 Rizal Ave West Tapinac Olongapo City (047) 222-0624 0917-500-6101
They also tried to charge me 15p for milk in my coffee. Not every one drinks the chemicals in Whitener. I can get a Litre of UHT Milk for 68 Peso, tant would be 34 shots of milk. A geat mark up if they can get it. So they lept the coffee that was made and poured, And my breakfast tooo. Thats the only way drive off and make your complaint polite. The young staff are only doing what they are instructed to do. Blame lies with MacDonalds for selling the Franchise to a Philippine Company. PS have you seen the size of the Little Macs now.
This is so true. Their drinks keep getting smaller and smaller. You order a large drink and the receipt shows 16oz but the cup is only 12oz. I was also surprised about their so called VIP Drive through Promo. I got one of their stickers and the next day they said the promo didn't apply to breakfast. This is another SBMA sponsored dishonest business. You can also complain at the DTI(Department of Trade and Industry) office here in Olongapo. Anytime you have a complaint with a business just go to the office, fill out a form and they will assign a DTI investigator. If the business is found to be violating the law, their license will be suspended or revoked. This office is excellent and fair! Leonila T Baluyut Provincial Director 2F Palm Crest Bldg 765 Rizal Ave West Tapinac Olongapo City (047) 222-0624 0917-500-6101
They also tried to charge me 15p for milk in my coffee. Not every one drinks the chemicals in Whitener. I can get a Litre of UHT Milk for 68 Peso, tant would be 34 shots of milk. A geat mark up if they can get it. So they lept the coffee that was made and poured, And my breakfast tooo. Thats the only way drive off and make your complaint polite. The young staff are only doing what they are instructed to do. Blame lies with MacDonalds for selling the Franchise to a Philippine Company. PS have you seen the size of the Little Macs now.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Were the Americans Even Asked to Help? Our Loyal Readers Share their Thoughts
Bugle that photo looked a TAD OLD maybe the men in their suits and ties were not in Ayala because it wasnt there when that picture was taken. But I understand the premis of the debate. Perhaps the US would be more inclined to help if they hadnt been continually ripped by the Philippine Government, If they had the man power HERE. If they had been asked????? Lets face it America has its own problems they cant be worried about what we think is a clamity , what they probably would consider as a minor local problem, Consider the Colorado Floods this year, that makes Olongapo floods look like a burst water pipe did the Philippines offer any support even vocal would have been nice. Gimme Gimme Gimme.
Hey Bugle: The U.S. military has a proven track record for more than a century of helping the Philippines in disasters. Rest assured, that if the Philippines asked for it, the U.S. would have provided it if they could... in conjunction with Philippine forces. What was obvious in this situation was that Philippine leadership was no where to be found! Even you Bugle haven't come up with an answer or excuse for the absence of the mayor during the always disaster filled typhoon season. I hear the SBMA chairman was also out of town, as he often seems to be. The Philippine military, Coast Guard, Red Cross and police should be first responders. Where were they? This is not unusual in the Philippines, where disaster response is typically minimal at best. Finally, remember there is no SOFA... because the Philippines doesn't want one! What a selective memory most people have here in the Philippines. There is only a Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) which provides a very limited legal framework for these forces.
Hey Bugle: The U.S. military has a proven track record for more than a century of helping the Philippines in disasters. Rest assured, that if the Philippines asked for it, the U.S. would have provided it if they could... in conjunction with Philippine forces. What was obvious in this situation was that Philippine leadership was no where to be found! Even you Bugle haven't come up with an answer or excuse for the absence of the mayor during the always disaster filled typhoon season. I hear the SBMA chairman was also out of town, as he often seems to be. The Philippine military, Coast Guard, Red Cross and police should be first responders. Where were they? This is not unusual in the Philippines, where disaster response is typically minimal at best. Finally, remember there is no SOFA... because the Philippines doesn't want one! What a selective memory most people have here in the Philippines. There is only a Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) which provides a very limited legal framework for these forces.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
So Where Mas the Mayor? Our readers Share some Insight
the mayor in america?why is everybody so shocked?it seems to be a right of passage that when elected,a visit to the u.s. is mandatory.you've got to know where to send the billions when your windfall happens and get a good feel for the local housing market for your retirement home(based on your dual nationality). if i want to transfer money anyplace and i have to jump through hoops,but if the money is transferred "legit",then no problem that it's blood money sucked from the decent tax payer "isn't my problem"attitude seems to prevails.
All AID should cease to these corrupt Countries until they sort out their affairs bringing their country into the 21st Century. Now there is The DAP SCAM to follow on from the PORK BARRELL SCAM. What about the GORDON FAMILY SCAMS. EXTRADITE THE GORDONS , JAIL THE POLITICIANS. Then we talk again about AID. The New Mayor may have been away on business I will give him the benifit of the doubt. But NO AID except humanitarian AID should go to the Philippines and then only with VERIFICATION WITH BOOTS ON THE GROUND until they rid themselves of these corrupt politicians and people wind up in JAIL. NO MORE AID should be the western worlds mantra. By the way isnt the Philippines the new ASIAN TIGER An economy in SURPLUS!!!!!!!!!!
All AID should cease to these corrupt Countries until they sort out their affairs bringing their country into the 21st Century. Now there is The DAP SCAM to follow on from the PORK BARRELL SCAM. What about the GORDON FAMILY SCAMS. EXTRADITE THE GORDONS , JAIL THE POLITICIANS. Then we talk again about AID. The New Mayor may have been away on business I will give him the benifit of the doubt. But NO AID except humanitarian AID should go to the Philippines and then only with VERIFICATION WITH BOOTS ON THE GROUND until they rid themselves of these corrupt politicians and people wind up in JAIL. NO MORE AID should be the western worlds mantra. By the way isnt the Philippines the new ASIAN TIGER An economy in SURPLUS!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Readers Comment on Who's Begging Who
Foreign aid is assistance given by one country to another because it needs help. The Philippines is given aid because it asks for it. The SCTEX for example was built with Japanese assistance. In fact, very little is built in the Philippines without foreign assistance. Much of this aid and assistance goes into corrupt pockets. I'm wondering if you aren't personally connected to the corruption. This would explain your unusual zeal to propagandize and defend such a corrupt country.
Hey Bugle, the last sentence of your comment says a lot about you. You don't have a clue! You use a local Filipino propaganda article as proof of what you say? Get real! Nobody believes anything you say about a country as corrupt, fake and insignificant as the Philippines. You're not even a good critic of burgers or local imitations of restaurants. Thank God your bugle sound doesn't even work anymore. Inflate your ego, go fill a pothole for SBMA..
suggest you check the books of the IMF.when was the money handed over?when was the loan repaid?when was the interest paid and how much was it?you may note that the 1 billion dollar loan was reported by a person enjoying a highly paid job and i suggest you don't always believe what you read.a tad dangerous!
BEGGING perhaps is the wrong term. I note every time The President returns from overseas he sprukes about his success with obtaining GRANTS. It seems to be a point of success????? Perhaps any budget announcment should be tempered with offsets of AID recieved that doesnt have to be paid back. I know the Australians a nation of 21 million are giving A$143 million in AID this calender year that doesnt have to be repaid. Its good to see the Philippines becoming a Good World Citizen BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Philippines has a surplus these days and have paid back the world bank why not repay some of the money given over the years. Dont quote CHINA too loudly the reason China wanted all their money back was the project that it was borrowed for was never built the Nth Luzon Rail. The temirity they wanted there money back I bet that caused palputations in Malacanyang.
Hey Bugle, the last sentence of your comment says a lot about you. You don't have a clue! You use a local Filipino propaganda article as proof of what you say? Get real! Nobody believes anything you say about a country as corrupt, fake and insignificant as the Philippines. You're not even a good critic of burgers or local imitations of restaurants. Thank God your bugle sound doesn't even work anymore. Inflate your ego, go fill a pothole for SBMA..
suggest you check the books of the IMF.when was the money handed over?when was the loan repaid?when was the interest paid and how much was it?you may note that the 1 billion dollar loan was reported by a person enjoying a highly paid job and i suggest you don't always believe what you read.a tad dangerous!
BEGGING perhaps is the wrong term. I note every time The President returns from overseas he sprukes about his success with obtaining GRANTS. It seems to be a point of success????? Perhaps any budget announcment should be tempered with offsets of AID recieved that doesnt have to be paid back. I know the Australians a nation of 21 million are giving A$143 million in AID this calender year that doesnt have to be repaid. Its good to see the Philippines becoming a Good World Citizen BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Philippines has a surplus these days and have paid back the world bank why not repay some of the money given over the years. Dont quote CHINA too loudly the reason China wanted all their money back was the project that it was borrowed for was never built the Nth Luzon Rail. The temirity they wanted there money back I bet that caused palputations in Malacanyang.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Puzzles Cafe
One of the great things about the Angeles City area is the diversity and quality of the restaurants. We will be highlighting a few of them in the future. Recently we stumbled over a really good one. It is called Puzzles and sits almost next door to the Phoenix hotel on Perimeter road. On advice from a local we stopped one Sunday morning for breakfast. They have only fourteen tables but there was a brief wait to get one. This place is cute, friendly and clean. It could be located in any first world country and compete with other eateries. Prices were a genuine surprise. The seafood omelet was huge and loaded with shrimp, crab and cheese. Madaming masarap and cost only P185! Blueberry pancakes at P120. A gigantic breakfast burrito was P160. For light eaters two eggs, toast and potatoes or grits was P75. Puzzles was a magic sunny, Sunday morning surprise.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Some of our readers seem to know Where the Rebar is?
And where pray tell do you see REBAR in roads in the Philippines. I watched to my disgust all the work in Olongapo when they rebuilt the National Hwy.Not one bit of rebar. Rebar may have had to been to be supplied in Scope of Works. But is it any surprise it wasnt in the finished product, If as we understand NOW how the Pork Barrell works 45% of the budgets get syphoned off to politicians why would you expect this to be any different the Japanese were made to use Filippina Contractors , how did they get the contract except by bribing politicians This is the same road that collapsed between Dinapulipian and Tipo within one month of the opening funny thing exactly the same thing happened, the road sagged either side of the bridge even today you can feel the jump where the road collapsed.
IVE NEVER SEEN REBAR IN ASHPHALT/ TAR The main bridge will have rebar because it was concrete, the road will not unless it is cement as well, did the road base and tar road wash away first then the concrete?? just like the bridge in Dinalupian right after the tollway was finished.
Isn't that road made from Asphalt? You don't put rebars in asphalt. The problem seems to be lack of proper road bed (compacting, etc.), causing the road bed to erode and wash away.
Is this a concrete road??????????? with tar on top of it. If just an ashphalt road they dont use rebar, little point as the ashphalt is flexible. The bridge is concrete and has to have rebar for the flexilbilty/strength Ive seen rebar in roads up in Ilsa Norte over one inch bar but this was a concrete road. Olongapo City, concrete roads NO REBAR what do you expect though from the family that has run away to the States who we hope will only return to face Plunder Charges.
IVE NEVER SEEN REBAR IN ASHPHALT/ TAR The main bridge will have rebar because it was concrete, the road will not unless it is cement as well, did the road base and tar road wash away first then the concrete?? just like the bridge in Dinalupian right after the tollway was finished.
Isn't that road made from Asphalt? You don't put rebars in asphalt. The problem seems to be lack of proper road bed (compacting, etc.), causing the road bed to erode and wash away.
Is this a concrete road??????????? with tar on top of it. If just an ashphalt road they dont use rebar, little point as the ashphalt is flexible. The bridge is concrete and has to have rebar for the flexilbilty/strength Ive seen rebar in roads up in Ilsa Norte over one inch bar but this was a concrete road. Olongapo City, concrete roads NO REBAR what do you expect though from the family that has run away to the States who we hope will only return to face Plunder Charges.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
McDonalds McProblems
The 24 hr McDo at Subic Bay Freeport has many, many complaints. Specifically, they are charging for 16 oz drinks but giving only 12 oz cups. How dishonest is that. They are also not abiding by the rules of their VIP Drive Thru program. They are refusing to upgrade in accordance with the program. We have also received food that has been uncooked. There is also a large pothole at the end of their drive through which they do not fill. You can submit complaints at the McDonalds Customer Care Hotline at 02-863-5490. The management at the Freeport Gateway 24hr McDo is unresponsive and worthless. This is a very dishonest McDo!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
One only needs to look at a Philippine jeepney to get a feel for the place, often described internationally as the "Sick Man of Asia" and recently the "Gates to Hell." The self proclaimed "King of the Road" is a garish, rude, overbearing, noisy, vulgar, smoke belching yet comical fake, driven by an undisciplined, ignorant road hog. Although Filipinos repeatedly like to compare it to a WWII jeep, as they always love to compare themselves to America, when you scratch beneath the surface of the circus like multi-colored exterior you find nothing but pure imitation. F. Sionil Jose, a notable Filipino author, even characterizes his own people in his award winning book titled "The Pretenders." Despite questionable recent ratings, there continues to be a massive exodus of desperate Filipinos fleeing from it's shores searching for a way to survive. Remittences by those refugees back to the Philippines to support their more unfortunate relatives left behind is the only thing propping up the on More Bad News for the Philippines' Haters
TOTAL BS on so called improved PHILS credit rating. Turns out the numbers have been manipulated re the so called "surplus" which segued into the pork barrel-- which as you should know by now-- has all apparently been stolen....political chaos on the horizon in PHILS....it goes all the way to the top....dream on, Bugler...ask any Filipino where they would rather live, in the toilet of the Philippines or in the US... on More Bad News for the Philippines' Haters
What makes the Bugle curious is where all this hate is coming from? If you live here there obviously has to be a reason for that. I mean if you didn't want to live here and you have an option to move/change your life why wouldn't you do that instead of continually banging your head on a wall.
TOTAL BS on so called improved PHILS credit rating. Turns out the numbers have been manipulated re the so called "surplus" which segued into the pork barrel-- which as you should know by now-- has all apparently been stolen....political chaos on the horizon in PHILS....it goes all the way to the top....dream on, Bugler...ask any Filipino where they would rather live, in the toilet of the Philippines or in the US... on More Bad News for the Philippines' Haters
What makes the Bugle curious is where all this hate is coming from? If you live here there obviously has to be a reason for that. I mean if you didn't want to live here and you have an option to move/change your life why wouldn't you do that instead of continually banging your head on a wall.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Readers response
For your information the US Military was assisting with evacuation efforts and rescuing people in Olongapo using men and equipment. Conspicuously absent were the Filipino politicians and their emergency response teams. Red cross (Dick Gordon) and his body guards showed up for a photo op but left quickly in his fleet of SUV's. Exactly what did you expect the military to do? Fix the broken infrastructure that contributed to the floods? Where were the evacuation centers? Where could someone get clean water and a bowl of rice? The entire situation is a national disgrace. on Where Was the US Military?
Friday, November 8, 2013
Successful Oktoberfest
We took this picture early Sunday morning before the area got going. It followed very busy and fun Friday and Saturday nights. Sitting behind Trader Ric's the beach location was prime. This event was organized. It had a perimeter security fence that was un-breached by vendors. No one hassled you to buy Viagra, ice cream, shells, necklaces or DVD's. Pizza, tacos, chicken, pork-on-a-stick were all available and fairly priced. All beer was P40. There were raffles, beer and hot dog eating contests, trivia competitions and kids games. Live music from the stage was non-stop.Proceeds went to a dental outreach program. Congrats to the people who worked on this. and thanks to San Miguel Corporation for the stage, tables and tents.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Catwalk Anniversary.
A couple weeks back Catwalk celebrated an anniversary with a packed house. Entertainment was non-stop by the girls. Drinks were very fair. Chicken and potato salad were given to all customers. It was an exceptional two hours. Danny and his staff are to be congratulated.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Obamacare & US Expats
The Bugle has been wondering how the Affordable Health Care Act would affect Americans living overseas.
This is from the ACA website, in plainer English than the Department of Labor stuff:
This is from the ACA website, in plainer English than the Department of Labor stuff:
U.S. citizens living outside the U.S.
U.S. citizens living in a foreign country are not required to get health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act. If you're uninsured and living abroad, you don't have to pay the fee that other uninsured U.S. citizens may have to pay.
Generally, health insurance coverage in the Marketplace covers health care provided by doctors, hospitals, and medical services within the United States. If you're living abroad, it's important to know this before you consider buying Marketplace insurance.
Questions? Call 1-800-318-2596, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (TTY: 1-855-889-4325)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
I Experience Sex With the Dead with My Ex-Wife
Comment from a reader on Halloween sex: I fully support the efforts of the Macapagal Arroyos to criminalize sex with a dead person. I experienced this despicable act with my first wife toward the end of our marriage and prior to our subsequent divorce. It was degrading, demoralizing and caused grave injury to my libido that took weeks of corrective therapy with suitably loose women to repair. Sex with the functionally dead is extremely damaging to the male psychology and must be outlawed.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Philippines is Dysfunctional
Comment from a reader on Who Are You Kidding? Bugle, lets just review some basic
necessities that well functioning, responsible or developed economies typically
provide for their citizens: Water that will not kill you or make you seriously
ill if you drink it. Electricity that is reliable and reasonably affordable,
not 10 times more expensive than California. I have compared my electric bills
and that's a fact! Food or rice, being the main Filipino staple, that is
actually clean and edible without stones from the national highways that they
are dried on. Public schools that are truly free for all students, with
adequate textbooks and proper class size. Adequate, affordable clothing for
all, not used, donated clothing from other countries that have actually been
obtained from international relief agencies and illegally sold to anyone at
relatively expensive prices. Ever heard of ukay-ukay? Corrupt free government,
business and society. The Philippines is still one of the most corrupt
countries in the world.
From the Bugle: Yawn. Yes plenty of problems, but it is improving, fastest growing economy in Asia, decreasing corruption, blah blah blah. Are you as tired as we are of having this same repetitive conversation? If you don't like it here, go home.
Philippines Improves Ranking in Latest Transparency International Corruption Index
Published on 14 December, 2012 - 18:02
Philippines improved its ranking by 24 points in this year’s
Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), ranking
105th out of 174 countries measured in the CPI compared to last year’s
129th ranking.
The latest ranking also boosted the Philippines’ position among its Southeast Asian neighbors, moving two (2) points up to 5th place out of the 10 Southeast Asian countries from last year’s 7th place ranking, overtaking Indonesia and Vietnam.
Transparency International cited the following reasons for the improvement in the Philippines’ ranking this year and the change in public perception: the impeachment trials, the declaration of Sworn Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) by all government workers, the transparent process of the Chief Justice replacement, the first year of the new Ombudsman, and the general openness of the Administration in the quest for a transparent government.
The National Competitiveness Council of the Philippines (NCC) also cites the strides made in areas of procurement and reform as well as budget transparency as contributors to the positive change in public perception in the government’s fight against corruption.
Guillermo Luz, Co-chairman of NCC said, “We have long felt that greater transparency will lead to greater trust in the government and economy by the business community.” With respect to improvements in the areas of government procurement, he further adds that there has been “an increase in the number of prospective bidders, many of them first-time bidders, in public works contracts and public-private partnership projects.” Mr. Luz said that the bidding of public works contracts and the improved pace of government spending, coupled with the absence of corruption scandals are positive indicators that reforms are gaining traction and are having a positive impact on the Philippines’ economic growth.
He also cites the improvement in transparency with respect to the government budget pointing out how data was made easily available on the DBM’s and Budget ng Bayan websites. “This year will mark the third consecutive year that a budget will be passed on time and not re-elected in the following year,” Mr. Luz said. Re-enacted budgets, are known to create opportunities for corruption.
The latest CPO ranking demonstrates the current Administration’s serious drive for more transparency and curbing of corruption in all fronts of the bureaucracy. And while the Philippines is still below the median or halfway mark in the global list, the administration is continuing its anti-corruption focus and also hopes to reduce red tape in government.
About 70% of the world’s economies scored below 50 on the 100-point scale, illustrating that corruption is a global problem.
The 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index is an annual survey of Transparency International, a global civil society organization that advocates good governance and fights corruption. The 2012 Index used an updated methodology covering 176 countries. This updated methodology does not enable direct comparisons with prior year’s scores and ranks. The CPI 2012 ranked Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand as least corrupt while Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia were listed as the perceived most corrupt countries in the world.
The latest ranking also boosted the Philippines’ position among its Southeast Asian neighbors, moving two (2) points up to 5th place out of the 10 Southeast Asian countries from last year’s 7th place ranking, overtaking Indonesia and Vietnam.
Transparency International cited the following reasons for the improvement in the Philippines’ ranking this year and the change in public perception: the impeachment trials, the declaration of Sworn Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) by all government workers, the transparent process of the Chief Justice replacement, the first year of the new Ombudsman, and the general openness of the Administration in the quest for a transparent government.
The National Competitiveness Council of the Philippines (NCC) also cites the strides made in areas of procurement and reform as well as budget transparency as contributors to the positive change in public perception in the government’s fight against corruption.
Guillermo Luz, Co-chairman of NCC said, “We have long felt that greater transparency will lead to greater trust in the government and economy by the business community.” With respect to improvements in the areas of government procurement, he further adds that there has been “an increase in the number of prospective bidders, many of them first-time bidders, in public works contracts and public-private partnership projects.” Mr. Luz said that the bidding of public works contracts and the improved pace of government spending, coupled with the absence of corruption scandals are positive indicators that reforms are gaining traction and are having a positive impact on the Philippines’ economic growth.
He also cites the improvement in transparency with respect to the government budget pointing out how data was made easily available on the DBM’s and Budget ng Bayan websites. “This year will mark the third consecutive year that a budget will be passed on time and not re-elected in the following year,” Mr. Luz said. Re-enacted budgets, are known to create opportunities for corruption.
The latest CPO ranking demonstrates the current Administration’s serious drive for more transparency and curbing of corruption in all fronts of the bureaucracy. And while the Philippines is still below the median or halfway mark in the global list, the administration is continuing its anti-corruption focus and also hopes to reduce red tape in government.
About 70% of the world’s economies scored below 50 on the 100-point scale, illustrating that corruption is a global problem.
The 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index is an annual survey of Transparency International, a global civil society organization that advocates good governance and fights corruption. The 2012 Index used an updated methodology covering 176 countries. This updated methodology does not enable direct comparisons with prior year’s scores and ranks. The CPI 2012 ranked Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand as least corrupt while Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia were listed as the perceived most corrupt countries in the world.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Wake up! Pool League is for Fun
Comment from a reader on Bigots Run the Pool League: Those newly elected officers
don't know what is the history of pool league in Barrio Barretto. And now that
they are called "officers" I don't know what the hell are they doing
for the league. Before there are more than 20 teams way back years ago, but
look at now, there are only how many. because they don't like the way those
officers manage the pool league.... Pool league is for fun, it is not
professional players who are playing, but since there is BCA rules it seems that
all players are professionals like Efren Reyes and some others. Hey pool
officers wake up!!!!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Don't Blame the Pool League Officers for Enforcing the Rules
Comment from a reader on Bigots Run the Pool League: Just follow the league rules and there would not be a problem. Don't blame the officers for enforcing the rules. B.2.2 Male Filipino Nationals playing in the Associations leagues must be a bona fide employee of the sponsor. Employment must have been in force for a minimum of six weeks prior to eligibility. Bona fide employment shall be interpreted to mean a salaried employee with defined responsibilities and working more than a nominal amount of hours a week. The Executive Board will rule on questionable eligibilities. Play shall be limited to one male Filipino player per team, per week. B.2.3 Filipino males playing as citizens of another country must have their nationality verified by the league to be exempt from rule B.2.2. (A Copy of the passport will be held by the league secretary)
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Subic Darts League has Ringers
Comment from a reader on Bigots Run the Pool LeagueNot the pool league, the darts has developed into a fiasco, with ringers , so the just so so players have stopped playing, They play for the social aspect yet the ringers are just there to win, they dont drink they dont socialise. I personally know of three player who have dropped out . Not because they are bigots its just they are out classed continually one team plays one player multiple times and guess what he wins. What he wins is mute its nothing but the team think they are great because they keep winning. I believe the rules will change next season too late this year , I guess we will be BIGOTS next year.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Bigots Run the Pool League

The Barretto pool league was started in 1982. Six teams existed: J & B, Crazy Horse, Irish Rose, My Other Place, Whisky River and Midnight Rambler. From the onset, Filipino players were discouraged primarily to prevent 'ringers.' However one Filipino player was allowed whether they worked in the establishment or not. Naturally in those days and the years to follow until 1992 American players dominated the rosters. When the base finally closed there were 36 men's teams and 36 women's teams.
Recently the pool league has elected new officers made up primarily of Europeans. Their knowledge of the history of the league, it's players, Barretto or the people who make up the barrio is marginal at best.
As a group these men recently decided to require two men to present American passports or be kicked out of the league. These two have played unmolested for over 25 years. Way before the new officers could find the Philippines on a map. The two men in question are well known and retired from the US military as high ranking enlisted men. Most everyone knows they are US citizens who contribute to the well being of the community as members of other service organisations. The only thing that separates them from any other retirees is the brown pigment in their skin.
Common sense on the part of these 'new' guys in the league would go far in not making this appear as blatant racism. Why not ask someone who didn't just get off the Victory Liner? Why not ask the VFW before firing off insulting letters and acting like rogue immigration agents.
In addition we are not talking 'ringers' here. These guys ain't Efren Reyes. At best they are marginal pool players. So the charge of racism seems relevant. When a true 'ringer' arrives from Sweden or Norway, someone who stays a few weeks, someone with international standing in the billiard world...... no one says a word. But then they are white.

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