Thursday, April 26, 2012

Abandon Ship

What is it up with the dredging ship located in the Kalaklan river just on the other side of the new bridge that SBMA built?  It has been there for at least a couple of years and I have never seen it in operation.  I imagine that they could have used it to dredge the river when the bridge was being rebuilt but then I remembered that they didn't tear down the old bridge they just built a new one alongside it.  Still One would think that at least that part of the river would be fully dredged and maybe allow at least a little bit of flood relief for the locals living alongside the river.  But then again why would the local officials care about flooding they don't live anywhere near the river.  I am sure that if a member of the local ruling clan was in any way inconvienced by flooding that ship would be being used but alas that is not the case so all of those people on the riverbanks will continue to suffer. Maybe next election season they will remember and some new blood will be put into office.


  1. Don't know whether to laugh or cry. I have been reading with interest and amusement many of the logical suggestions and well intentioned criticisms posted here about how even the most basic things could be sometimes quickly and easily fixed and improved both for the sakes of foreigners and the locals in Angeles and in Subic. Sewage, garbage, on the job safety, abandoned vehicles and ships, traffic, bridges, roads, schools, toll taking, permits, crime, justice "system", bureaucracy, medical care, big and little infrastructure, tourism, bars, visas, whatever. The sad and obvious truth is that there is neither the political will nor money available to do anything UNLESS it lines the pockets of those involved in the decision making. They go on about "pride," but at the end of the day, it is a hopeless and naive waste of energy to make rational argument. Their actions and inaction scream out that they don't really care about their own country or fellow citizens-- so why would they bother about what the ex pats think or our welfare? This isn't Japan or Singapore, much less the US. Just one man's observation and opinion. We care more about it than they do. Shameful.

  2. But maybe and this is a big maybe if enough pressure can be put on the elected officials through transparency and public criticism then maybe eventually the elected officials will start to do more. Nothing in life is easy but you have to start somewhere. Our somewhere is by attempting to put a voice to the common things that people have given up complaining about.


All comments are posted anonymously. We don't care who you are, we just care about what you have to say. But let's keep it civil. No slander. Talk about issues, not individuals. No racism. Cool it on the profanity. Like Sinatra said, "You don't need to work blue. You'll never play the big houses with that crap."