Tuesday, July 2, 2013

From our Mail Bag

A reader comments on A Lesson in Education 

The data presented in this post is nonsense. Even the most uninformed search on the internet shows that The Philippines is ranked around 52th among nations, with US and Australia ranking around 19th. The Philippines is nowhere near the African nations which rank lowest on the scale. I would suggest that you are just hanging out with a lot of dumb people if you cannot find Filipinos who have a decent education and are aware of their own history and that of others. People usually tend to associate with their intellectual equals, so your post shows us all your ignorance.

From the Bugle:  We like the intellectual discourse that is starting to occur in our pages.  But can we try in the future to do so without resorting to any name calling.....


  1. http://www.livingincebuforums.com/ipb/topic/15967-average-filipino-iq-is-only-86/

    read it and weep...

  2. Citing a blog as a reference only enhances the Bugle's point. The study that is used as background material was flawed and has not been scientifically proven. In a book review in the Journal of Economic Literature, a journal of the American Economic Association, Thomas J. Nechyba wrote that: "(the book's) sweeping conclusions based on relatively weak statistical evidence and dubious presumptions seem misguided at best and quite dangerous if taken seriously. It is therefore difficult to find much to recommend in this book. Remember one should always In a book review in the Journal of Economic Literature, a journal of the American Economic Association, Thomas J. Nechyba wrote that: "(the book's) sweeping conclusions based on relatively weak statistical evidence and dubious presumptions seem misguided at best and quite dangerous if taken seriously. It is therefore difficult to find much to recommend in this book the source


All comments are posted anonymously. We don't care who you are, we just care about what you have to say. But let's keep it civil. No slander. Talk about issues, not individuals. No racism. Cool it on the profanity. Like Sinatra said, "You don't need to work blue. You'll never play the big houses with that crap."